Sunday, March 6, 2016

The Marvels / Brian Selznick / 670 pages

"Stories aren't the same as facts...but they can both be true."  The elaborate story concocted by Joseph's uncle, and the breath-taking pictures sketched by his friend Billy, and the pains-taking depictions at 18 Folgate Street proved this to be true.  "A haunted house, an imaginary family, a crazy uncle..."  This wasn't what Joseph bargained for when he ran away from boarding school.  It was better, although when he'd first arrived, Joseph thought his uncle's house a portal to the past.  It was, in fact, a vision of the future.  This is a story "about the passage of time and the need for patience and the ability to forgive." " Even in a world where miracles can happen, there's still going to be pain, loss, and regret.  Because sometimes people die and you can't bring them back.  That what life is...miracles and sadness, side by side."  An excellent afterword tells the story behind the story.

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