Monday, July 7, 2014

Lies You Wanted to Hear/James Whitfield Thomson/401 pages

Lucy and Matt are set up by mutual friends. Lucy is still getting over Griff, her on again, off again lover who wants to live in the moment, preferably with lots of drugs. Matt is a nice guy police officer who can't seem to find "the one." They decide to settle for each other even though it's pretty clear that Lucy is still pining for Griff and Matt knows it. He is willing to believe her lies because the truth isn't pretty. When their marriage implodes, their children become pawns in their war.

I was disappointed in this book. I'm pretty sure I was suppose to like and sympathize with Lucy, but I found her character very distasteful. Matt wasn't a gem, but he was light years beyond Lucy. There's nothing worse than a book where there isn't one character you can embrace. Give this one a pass. Longest 400 pages I've read in quite a while.

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