Friday, November 16, 2018

Normal/ Graeme Cameron/ 294 pgs

This book is...not normal. At all. I loved it nonetheless. This book has the darkest and blackest humor you'll find, so if that isn't your thing, this book isn't for you. Normal is told from the point of view of a serial killer. He's never given a name so we don't really identify with him, which is good. He describes his life in a matter of fact way. Killing his victims, cleaning up afterwards, cooking their flesh (yes indeed, I did say dark), all of these things are described in a humdrum manner. His tone is engaging and it's easy to get drawn in. While he's been at this for a while, things start to go haywire when he's discovered during cleanup by the friend of his last victim. So he kidnaps her and keeps her in a cage in his basement. The only thing is, Erica doesn't just sit there quietly. She turns her sassy attitude on him, complains, and generally turns his "normal" world upside down. He meets another woman, Annie, who becomes a pseudo-friend (though she does not know what he's really like). And finally he meets a third woman, Rachel, who he falls for and begins to date. All three of these relationships are completely foreign to him and he doesn't know how to navigate them. As well, the police are finally onto him and the suspense comes from waiting to see when they'll catch up to him. So, good book but only if you like really dark humor and can handle graphic violence.

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