Thursday, June 15, 2017

Heart-Shaped Box/ Joe Hill / 376 pgs

I decided to step outside my usual reading genres and give horror a try. I've always loved horror movies but never really got into reading the books. A colleague recommended this one. Unfortunately, it wasn't for me.

Jude Coyne is an aging rock star, sort of an Ozzy Osbourne-type, who decides to buy a ghost off an eBay-like site to add to his occult collection. I thought this was a fantastic concept for a book but the execution just didn't work for me. I didn't care for Jude and while I could see that the ghost elements "should" be creepy and scary, they just weren't for me. I spent the first 2/3 of the book kind of wishing the vindictive ghost would get Jude, even though I wasn't terribly invested in the ghost either. The latter half held my interest a little better but I found the ending--and the fact that those closest to Jude paid more of a price than he did--unsatisfying. I'm told many, many people love this book, however, so others may enjoy this more than I did.

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