Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Good Earth / Pearl S. Buck / 357 pgs

I just finished "The Good Earth" by Pearl S. Buck when I am using for the "Oprah's Book Club" challenge. I loved this book so much. In fact, it's one of my favorites so far this year. It's all about a young Chinese farmer, Wang Lung, who marries, O-Lan, a plain looking slave from the rich house of Hwang in the town near where he lives. O-Lan works hard and together they have children and make enough money that he can buy more land. As the years go by, there are famines and floods, but central to the story is Wang Lung's love for the earth. However, the story spans decades and as the farmer's fortune changes and he grows rich, he lets other things steal his attention away from the land he loves.
It's a beautiful story and I completely recommend it.

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