Thursday, January 29, 2015

Christmas List / Richard Paul Evans 353 p. 20th Century Challenge

Christmas List / Richard Paul Evans 353 p.

It's three weeks to Christmas.  James Kier died in an automobile crash.  His death is reported in the newspaper.  It is big news when a real estate mogul dies.  The twist is that he didn't die.  James is unwillingly pitched into learning just what people really thought of him.  He is a fierce competitor, and frequently ruthless.  Blogs are filled with personal comments about him.  When his mistress fails to show up at their 'destination', he is disappointed.  When he appears at her home and finds her surrounded by all the expensive items quickly charged to his account before the news of his death can close it, he learns some very harsh home truths.  And he continues to learn more about himself at every turn.  And his ex- doesn't seem to be ready to welcome him home with open arms.  At the other James Kier's wake, he finds a man who is truly mourned, and who's life made a positive impact on others.  This gives him a wake-up call.  He has prepared a list of people he has most actively hurt over the years.  And does his executive secretary hand over quite a Christmas list for him to work through as he prepares to change his ways.

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