Friday, August 29, 2014

Liar & Spy / Rebecca Stead 180 p.

Georges (named for Georges Seurat) moves into a Brooklyn apartment building.  When he signs up for the Spy Club he meets Safer, a coffee-drinking 12 year old.  Safer begins spy training.  They spy on Mr. X who lives in the apartment above Georges.  Safer's family is eccentric and nice.  Only Safer's older brother, Pigeon goes to school and that was once he was of high school age.  Georges is happy to hang out with Safer's family, especially since his dad lost his job and his mother has been working double shifts at the hospital.  Dallas & Co. are bullying him.  Even so just how far is Georges to go for is friend Safer as he becomes more getting him to assist with sneaking into Mr. X's apartment.  Georges does change as he finds the courage to be himself.

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