Saturday, August 31, 2013

N.E.R.D.S. / Michael Buckley / 306 pages

Author Michael Buckley does so many things right!  In this first book of the N.E.R.D.S. (National Espionage, Rescue and Defense Society) series, he introduces us the coolest guy in fifth grade, Jackson Jones, who relishes taunting and torturing the nerds at school.  He feels pretty secure in his superiority until he gets heavy duty braces and headgear and plummets in popularity.  As an outcast, Jackson discovers that he is very good at spying and stumbles across a top secret "Playground" in Nathan Hale Elementary School where operations that save the world are planned and executed.  The five agents of the N.E.R.D.S. are kids who have weaknesses that turn them into victims until their weakness is converted to a superhuman talent.  Duncan "Gluestick" Dewey is the kid who eats paste but can stick to walls.  Ruby "Pufferfish" Peet is a girl whose severe allergies allow her to detect falsehoods.  Heathcliff "Choppers" Hodges controls minds with his buck teeth.  The hyperactive Julio "Flinch" Escala is super fast and super strong.  Matilda "Wheezer" Choi uses her inhalers to help her fly.  All in all, a funny book with lots of action and adventure and tons of kid appeal! 

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