Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Great Gatsby/F. Scott Fitzgerald/192 pages

What can you say about a literary classic that is  required reading for almost every high school English class? Narrator Nick Carraway has just moved into a small bungalow next to the mansion of mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby. Nick leads us through a summer of decadence, over indulgence and sordid affairs. Gatsby is living the American dream --  money, wealth and popularity, but he has spent his whole life trying to win back Daisy, a young woman he fell in love with a few years back when he had nothing.  There are really no likeable characters in this story and Fitzgerald has created a world where the characters are corrupted by greed and their lives are incredibly sad and unfulfilled. Gatsby tries so hard to rise above a class rank that even money and wealth cannot buy, no matter how hard he tries, he will never belong in Daisy's world.

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