Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My Beloved World / Sonia Sotomayor / 315 pages

     Sonia Sotomayor has written a fascinating book about her life up until her becoming a judge.  She grew up in the "other America"  - the Bronx of New York - which was almost it's own 3rd world country.  She has been a type 1 diabetic since age 8, has had vast amounts of experiences that most people will never have in a lifetime.  Her ability to survive and thrive and become who she is --it's just amazing.  Yes, she entered Princeton due to affirmative action, but she really deserved to be there.  She had the brilliance, the drive, the grades and the talent;but not the wealth, connections, or male gender.  I think that as a judge she will have more insight into cases that come before her than people who are born to priviledge.  She is a work-aholoic and will spend hours studying anything that is relevant to a case.  I am so glad that she is on the supreme court.
     (the cd is read by Rita Moreno - a real treat!  The library should buy the cd)
People should read or listen to this book.  it is that good.

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