Friday, September 30, 2011

The Other Half of My Heart / Sundee Frazier / 296 pages

Minnie and Keira are twins.  Minnie is white-skinned & red-haired, while Keira is black. Their Dad is white and their Mom is black.   Minnie's Momma told her that her "blackness is just hidden a little deeper - like a vein of gold running deep within the soil of [her] soul."  Millions of genes made them all human and only 7 or 8 told their skin what color to be - a very small difference.  Minnie hopes this is true and prays "may nothing ever, ever come between Keira and me, nothing - big or small."  Their grandmother requests that the girls come stay with her so that they can compete in the Miss Black Pearl Preteen Program.  Grandmother is strict, straight-laced, and persnickety.  She tries to "improve" Keira and wants desperately for one of the girls to win the "pageant".  Minnie finds herself, and the courage and wisdom to stand up for what she believes in.

"It is had to accept the reality that your skin color could determine your material well-being and others' treatment of you."

Character is integrity and a commitment to hard work, and the strength to make the right choice."

Mark Twain Award Preliminary Nominee 2012-13

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