Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dethroning the King/Julie Macintosh/349 pages

Subtitled The Hostile Takeover of Anheuser-Busch, an American Icon, this book was an interesting and informative read, especially for this non-native Missourian. Filled with background information on the company, the Busch family, and the idiosycrancies of company leadership, it also provided an in-depth look of the months leading up to InBev's takeover of the American icon.

The balance of personal details with the analysis of financial aspects of the merger deal was a good one, and it kept the pace of the book moving forward. Learning about the impeccable timing of the deal itself (it went through just as the U.S. financial markets began to collapse) just blew me away!

I'd recommend this book to anyone interested in learning some insider details on the InBev/Anheuser Busch takeover.

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