Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Midnight Rose/Dani Hart/427 pgs

In the Midnight Rose, the main character Abigail Rose lived a normal life, well for the most part. Unbeknownst to her she was part of a world that is on the precipice of war. A battle fought for centuries between the humans and the Immortals. Abigail finds out that everyone that she loves has been hiding something from her and now she must take on all this new information and make a life altering decision. One that will take her away from all the ones she loves but may just lead her to the brother she never knew existed. This book was full of twists and wrong assumptions. If you like books that keep you guessing, then this book is worth a read. It is the first book of the Midnight series, and I'm interested to see if my guesses for Abigail's future are correct.

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