Monday, July 27, 2015

Summer Secrets/Jane Green/308 pages

Cat Coombs is in her twenties, a journalist and a party regular. She grew up with a distant father and her depressed, American mother in England. She always knew she was a disappointment to her father, but she never knew why. After his death and a particularly bad hangover, her mother reveals a secret that gives Cat hope for a better family life. But her trip to Nantucket doesn't go like she hopes and her life in England goes on. Years later, another trip to Nantucket, this time to make amends, opens up a surprise relationship and leads her back to another one.

I don't know anything about Jane Green, but this book and it's intimate knowledge about alcoholics and AA seems very close to her. I almost wouldn't call it a summer read or beach book just because it's such a heavy subject. But with its focus on relationships and forgiveness, it is just what most people want from summer book.

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