Thursday, May 14, 2015

A Most Inconvenient Marriage / Regina Jennings / 324 pages

     This new Christian fiction is a post Civil War novel set in the Ozarks of Missouri.
Abigail Stuart who worked as a nurse for the Union in St. Louis marries a dying Confederate soldier.  He wants to marry her so that she will take care of his invalid sister and his mother.  In return, she will have a home and a horse farm.  She takes that action since she is estranged from her family and her love is for horses which had been the family business.
     The story is about what happens when the "dead" soldier returns home from the war to find that he is married to a complete stranger.  Whom did she marry?  How will his fiancée take this news?  How will this drama play out?  And, yes, there is plenty of drama.  It is a very entertaining book and fairly fresh for a romance novel.  (The horse even gets drunk in one chapter)  The author also brings out the post war animosity that continued in Missouri for years after the battles ceased.  This is definitely recommended.

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