Friday, April 10, 2015

The Girls of Atomic City: The Untold Story of the Women Who Helped Win World War II / Denise Kiernan / 373 p.

This title is one of the district's book discussion titles and even though I couldn't make it to the discussion I had planned on attending, I found it well worth reading.

The author focused much of the book on the MAJOR and often overlooked contributions of women in the making of the atomic bomb. But the book is also about the sheer enormity of the project. And the amazing ability to keep the building of a small city in the hills of Tennessee camouflaged from most of the world. Some of it makes me proud of our country and what it can accomplish. Other parts of it make me ashamed at what is viewed as acceptable behavior in order to reach the goal. And between reading this, part of the book Area 51 and watching the TV series Manhattan,  I have to admit to feeling just a tad bit of paranoia about just what all our government can pull off.

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