Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Mansfield Park / Jane Austen / 346 pages

Never having read Jane Austen, I thought I'd try a classic.  I listened on cd in the car and found myself driving around to hear more.  The time period is early 1800's in North Hampton, England.  The story is about Fanny Price, the poor cousin of Maria and Julia.
She comes to live at Mansfield Park, the home of very wealthy Thomas and his wife, Fanny's aunt.  Fanny is just summarily shipped off to the house at nine years of age.  She is not familiar with any of the family and even though they treat her kindly, but slightly less than their own children.  The story is a total slice of life with the girls and finding the "right" husband ie: one with money and not too old.  Only Fanny is steadfast in her love for her cousin Edmund. (yes, cousin love was okay back then apparently)  
Contrasting the morals of the early 1800's with today is quite different, but the human desires were still present; just repressed as much as possible. It makes a great story. 

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