Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Naturals / Jennifer Barnes / 308 pages / 7 Geese a Laying December Challenge

Seventeen year old Cassandra is not normal.  She's a natural and the FBI wants her.  She's what is known as a profiler.  She pieces together tiny details and uses them to read people - to make highly accurate, intuitive predictions about the person's personality, who they are, and what they want.  The FBI has five such young people who they are training to work cold - or unsolved, cases.  Cassie is highly motivated because her own mother's murder is yet unsolved.  When a serial killer begins mimicking the MO of her mother's murderer, Cassie, of course, wants to work the case.  The twists and turns at the end, the surprises, and the satisfying ending make this well worth the read.

Gateway Award Preliminary Nominee 2015-16

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