Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Deepest Secret / Carla Buckley / 427 pages / April Challenge Rain Scene

Eve Lattimore's son Tyler has XP, a rare medical condition that makes him fatally sensitive to light, natural or manufactured.  Exposure results in melanoma...and death.  Tyler's windows are boarded, the neighbors have switched to incandescent bulbs, and Tyler ventures outside only during the dark.  He is about to enter high school but is, of necessity, separated from his peers.  His previously perfect sister, Melissa, is not so perfect and a neighbor girl, eleven year old Amy, is missing.  Tyler's dad commutes from his jog in DC, missing Tyler's birthday and other important milestones, placing stress on the marriage and family.  Eve saves everything she can in case a miracle cure is developed.  Secrets are harbored by almost every protagonist.  Who is responsible for Amy's disappearance? This is a gripping story of a mother's fiercely protective love and a family's struggle to battle seemingly insurmountable odds.

"Maybe no one's safe.  Maybe there's no such thing as a true love that lasts a lifetime."

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