Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Truant Officer / Derek Ciccone / 839 pages / 4 Calling Birds December Challenge

Airline pilot Darren McLaughlin loves his wife, Lilly. She calls him from a gas station and sends him a picture of herself smiling just before she is abducted...or is she? McLaughlin discovers, along with the rest of the world, that his wife was having an affair with Brett Buckley, one of her high school English students and has run away with him. Brett, however, is not what he appears to be. He is Nick Zellen and is in the witness protection program, due to testify in a trial involving the Russian mafia and was a law student at NYU. Lilly isn't who she appears to be either. Nick's murdered girlfriend is very much alive. There are so many twists and turns in the plot, and so many suspects, the reader is kept off balance, wondering what can possibly happen next.

(Nick's supposedly murdered and mutilated girlfriend has received plastic surgery and has been refashioned into a pop singing star, Natalie Gold.)
(At times the setting moves to Israel.  I read this book while on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land so that made it a very time &place appropriate read.)

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