Sunday, September 29, 2013

Code of Silence: Living a Lie Comes with a Price / Tim Shoemaker / 331

"Since when did living a lie become the right thing to do?"  "The Code of Silence wasn't solely built on vow to stay quiet.  It was about living a lie and doing everything they could to keep anyone from discovering the truth, and that meant more lies, and lots of deception."  Cooper and his friends Hiro and Gordy were witnesses to a brutal beating and robbery of Frank, one of the owners of Frank 'N Stein's.  They are afraid to go to the cops because two of the burglars wore cop pants and the kids fear bad cops may be involved.  One of the perps got Coop's keys and threatened violence to Coop and his family.  The nonstop action, threat of violence, disintegrating trust, appeals to God, and heroic bravery make this first in a series a must read.

"Why is it whenever he thought he was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel it turned out to be an oncoming train?"

Truman Award Preliminary Nominee 2014-15

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