Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lassie Come-Home / Eric Knight / 248 pages

Okay, Scottish book, you say?  and Classic Children's book? 
Yes!!  Lassie is a two-fer!  Classic children's book set in Scotland.

That being said, it's quite an interesting dog book. And better yet, the dog lives!  Lassie is bred in Yorkshire, but is sold to a duke who takes her to his land in the far north of Scotland so she will not be able to run away.  Never underestimate a dog.  Of course Lassie is going to go home.  That is what takes up most of the book; her travels. 

I love the passion for dogs and understanding of the dog mind.  The entire book uses Yorkshire dialect which I love to read. (Similar to Secret Garden)
It is such a good look into the lives of those people in Yorkshire who worked in the mines and were layed off.  The boy, Joe, has the unshakable bond with Lassie and deserves to keep the dog way more than a man who can buy him just because he's rich.  Any dog lover will become a Lassie fan.

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