Sunday, April 21, 2013

Merry Ex-Mas / Sheila Roberts / 314 pages

This is the second book in the "Life in Icicle Falls" series, and although it felt a bit strange to be reading a Christmas story in April, it was a most delightful escape.  Three Icicle Falls women take center stage, Cass Wilkes - owner of the bakery, should be looking forward to her daughter's wedding, but plan time is short; Dani wants her father - Cass's ex, to walk her down the aisle; and the ex, his trophy wife, and their dog will be staying with Cass.  Charlie's ex-husband shows up, wanting her back...or does he really want her restaurant?  And Ella O'Brien is trying to sell her house, still occupied by herself and her ex, Jake.  An interfering mother-in-law had helped duel a divorce that perhaps neither Ella nor Jake wanted.  With characters from Better Than Chocolate making brief cameo appearances, Icicle Falls again delights the reader with strong, independent female characters, close family ties, and indestructible friendships.

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