Friday, December 21, 2012

The Final Challenge!!!!!!!!!

You didn't believe me last month about the coming Zombie Apocalypse.  But now we are in the month of December and people are coming out of the wood works to talk about THE END OF THE WORLD on 12-21-12!!!!  You know that when the local TV news station puts that lady who owns like 80 cats on; who claims that her Siamese named "Mister TiddyBomBoms" has successfully predicted that the world will in fact end on 12-21-12; that we are in for a whole Lotta trouble!  Therefore, for our last few remaining days on this planet, I challenge you to read a book about the coming Apocalypse or is a Post-Apocalypse novel.  (So basically anything in YA that has been printed in the past three years).  Your reward will be "10" points for each book.  "Ten?!!" you say, "that's crazy and unfair!!"  In the end what does it really matter?  We are not going to make it to Christmas, and if we do then you will have a wealth of bonus points to end out the competition year!  Enjoy!!  

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