Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dreadfully Ever After / Steve Hockensmith / 287 pages / November Challenge Zombies

This is the third book bringing Jane Austin's characters from Pride and Prejudice to life in a world threatened by zombies.  Here we have Fitzwilliam Darcy bitten by a zombie (Dreadful, Unmentionable, Zed-Dash-Dash-Dash) shortly after his marriage to Elizabeth Bennett.  Elizabeth has been convinced that her days as a zombie slayer are at an end because such pursuits are not suited to a married gentlewoman.  Darcy's aunt, a fierce warrior herself, has concocted an elaborate plot to split up Darcy and Elizabeth, discredit Elizabeth and her family, and secure Darcy's affections for her daughter, his cousin Ann.  Is there a miraculous cure for zombieism?  Can Elizabeth secure this cure for Darcy?  Once again Mr. Hockensmith has created an amusing, entertaining, totally tongue-in-cheek conclusion to Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies filled with romance, heartbreak, martial arts...and an army of shambling corpses.

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