Friday, November 23, 2012

The Dead / Charlie Higson / 485 pages / November Challenge Zombies

This second book in The Enemy trilogy is actually a prequel to book 2 and gives the backstory, or events at the beginning of the apocalyptic disease that struck everyone over 16, either killing them or causing them to become zombies with pustulant skin and an insatiable desire for human flesh.  "The world was falling apart and people couldn't see outside the little boxes they'd lived in all their lives."  Ed, Jack, Bam, and other students at prestigious Rowhurst School realize it is time to escape.  On their way to London, they are rescued by a seemingly healthy adult driving a bus.  Unfortunately, Greg doesn't remain healthy and the kids must again run for their lives.

"What was the point of survival if you became an animal?"

"Books were a gateway into an alternative universe.  They were magic.  A book could hold anything inside it."

"Clever beats strong every time."

He was not really alone.  "He had books for company, and to him they were living, breathing things.  The writers were there among the book stacks with him, like friendly spirits.  Whenever he opened a book and read the words hidden inside it, he was waking a ghost, and the ghost would talk directly to him.  The long-dead writer would come alive."

"If we want to survive, we need knowledge.  And books contain knowledge.  Trust me.  Books will save our lives just as much as weapons."

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