Saturday, October 6, 2012

It's all too much / Peter Walsh / 230 pages

Is your house cluttered?  Can't you throw out those stacks of magazines and books that you have been meaning to read since 2008?  Can you walk through your family room without tripping over toys and craft items?  This was a useful cd for self-help on clutter and household organization. 

Peter Walsh is very organized and presents a complete "how to" book on what to do to make your house and your life more manageable.  He even provides websites.   However, before he helps people decllutter, he starts with their dream or idea for each room in question.  After discovering the desired purpose of the room, the people can then throw away, donate, or organize their stuff until it works.

He does get a bit preachy, but he has probably seen it all.  He is also somewhat repetetive, but it doesn't hurt to hear it again.  He does offer some great ideas and tips.  Tip #1 zones for different parts of the room.  Tip #2  Don't buy new storage boxes before you do the work.  You'll not get anywhere that way.

I would say that this book is best for those who just have cluttered, junky houses.  True hoarders need more help and should read Stuff by Randy Frost as well.

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