Friday, September 14, 2012

Masterpiece / Elise Broach / 367 pages

If you enjoyed Shakespeare's Secret, be sure to read Masterpiece by Elise Broach.  Elise was inspired to write it when she lost a contact lens down the drain.  She fantasized about how wonderful it would be if a tiny creature could go and fetch it.  This is exactly what beetle Marvin does in this tale of stolen art, forgeries, friendship, and the Four Virtues by Albrecht Durer.  Marvin and the boy James are friends and when James receives a pen-and-ink set from his artist father for his birthday, Marvin creates a masterpiece for James's birthday.  James is believed to be the artist and is offered thousands of dollars for his sketch.  He and Marvin agree to participate in a scheme to recover previously stolen art.

The four cardinal virtues are fortitude, justice, temperance, and prudence.
"This was the very heart of friendship - to be willing to accept your friends problems as your own."
"Humans are masters at making their own trouble."
When you saw different parts of the world, you saw different parts of yourself."

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