Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Julie and Romeo Get Lucky/Jeanne Ray/ 277 pages

This is the sequel to Julie and Romeo, and it takes place three years after the first book. Julie and Romeo have merged their businesses and their lives, but they still haven't taken the plunge and married. Julie has even more people living at her house which makes it hard to find time to be alone together. When Romeo tries to be romantic and carry her up the stairs during a rare time alone, he hurts his back and ends up flat on his back in her bed for an extended time. Julie's older daughter, Nora, ends up in a hospital bed in her living room as well. On top of all that, her granddaughter has been watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory on continuous loop for the better part of a year and is sure she's going to win the lottery. She charms everyone into buying her lottery tickets every week. Can you take an 8-year-old to Gamblers Anonymous?

Fun book. I needed a break from all the YA drama, and Jeanne Ray was the perfect remedy.

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