Friday, August 17, 2012

Crossed by Ally Condie/367 pages

"Crossed"  is book 2 in the  popular Matched Trilogy by Ally Condie. Cassia, the main character, has made her way to the outer provinces to find Ky, who has escaped from the "society" into the treacherous canyons in search of the rebellion. Cassia and her small group of rebel friends scale canyon walls, delve into caves and traverse rivers in search of Ky and the rebellion. Then they find Ky and scale a few more walls, delve into some more caves and traverse some more rivers. I was expecting more from this author after  enjoying the story and the characters in "Matched", but this book was pretty boring. We still don't know who the society is, why Ky's name was in the pool, are there any rebels out there, where are the other provinces, etc. Lots of poetry and reflecting,  no action.  "Reached" is the final book in the trilogy, due out in late 2012, hopefully that's when the action will start.

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