Sunday, July 8, 2012

Gone Girl/Gillian Flynn/416 pages

Nick and Amy Dunne were living a storybook life in New York City until everything fell apart. Even after both of them lost their jobs, they didn't panic until Amy's parents came to her asking for a loan from her trust fund. The fund was originally started with money earned from her parents' children's book series Amazing Amy. With the majority of Amy's trust fund gone and the news that Nick's mother is dying of cancer and his father has Alzheimer's, Nick decides that moving back to his Missouri hometown to care for both of his parents is the only way to regroup. Amy's not happy with the decision or Missouri in general or the hometown specifically. When she goes missing on their 5th anniversary, mounting evidence points to Nick as the only suspect in his wife's apparent murder.

Although Flynn lives in Chicago, no one should ask her to write tourism brochures for the Midwest. Her Missouri is a vast waste land of closed shopping malls and abandoned subdivisions. Even Hannibal sounds like a ghost town. St. Louis fares a bit better in her descriptions, although her only mention of the Cardinals includes a loss. (She must be a Cubs fan.) The story itself is well-crafted and well-told. I was a little disappointed in the ending. I think she was going for a more menacing tone, but it basically just stopped. Overall, a good summer read.

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