Monday, May 21, 2012

11/22/63 / Stephen King / 849 pages

I don't read much Stephen King but since 11/22/63 is a time travel book and not horror, I decided to give it a whirl.  Fascinating.  Who doesn't want to go back in time and change something?  What would happen if we could change the past?  Jake Epping accepts the mission to step back into the past to try and prevent the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.  While the primary premise of the book was interesting and well done, what was most engaging to me was how much our lives have changed since 1958.  I lived it and was amazed and constantly thinking, Oh Yeah, I remember that.  There were the "good old days" pros but also a lot of cons.  Makes you wonder what someone reading about 2011 in the year 2064 will think..oh yeah, they texted then, drove their own gasoline powered cars, could use as much water as they wanted, and did something called keyboarding.  Recommended.

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