Friday, March 30, 2012

The Hunger Games/Suzanne Collins/267 pages

Since I'm the last person on the face of the earth to read this book, what can I say? Everyone knows the story and probably has already seen the movie. Overall, it was somewhat entertaining and I liked it better than Twilight, but I just don't get the over the top adoration for it. I'll read the rest because my daughter insists, but they aren't the greatest. Sorry.


  1. "I just don't get the over the top adoration for it" ?! Ouch, you cut me real deep Susan. ;)

  2. Maybe I'm just too old, Laura. :) Trust me, my daughter doesn't understand my indifference either. But I'll be seeing the movie with her this week.

    Does the premise of the reaping remind you of Shirley Jackson's The Lottery? Or isn't that required reading anymore?
