Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Jungle / Upton Sinclair / 341 Pages

This book is based in the earlier 1900's in the Chicago stockyards. Upton Sinclair has you follow the trials, tribulations, hopes, fears, love and losses of the main character, Jurgis Rudkus, who came to America from Lithuania, along with his family and friends, to improve their lives.

I had first read this book back in the 1970's and thought it would be interesting to read it again. It bothered me this time physically, mentally, and emotionally as much as it did the first time I read it. Physically, it turns your stomach and you think you may never eat meat again. Or any other type of processed food. Mentally, you can not imagine how any person could possibly treat another person that poorly. It was a study in, how much would someone be pushed down before they break. Emotionally, the amount of personal loss that is experienced in such a short time frame is unimaginable. It also gets you thinking about how things have changed... or have they?

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