Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Dave Store Massacre/Ron Ebest/ 219 pages

In the small southern Missouri town of Jackson, Dave Store is pretty much the only employer left. With its slogan, Low Prices at Any Cost, the store has run every other viable business out of town. And then it started on its suppliers, demanding lower and lower costs every year. Paying low wages and offering little in the way of benefits also keeps costs down. The employees (mainly women) finally have had enough and walk out to start a wildcat strike.

Ebest, a local author, takes shots at Wal-Mart and the way the superstore hurts a town's economy and at the media with the way they decide to report news. Humorous in parts, it's a quick read.

Food: hey, I'm not proud: there's a picture of a jar of pickles on the front. There's also a discussion why poptarts are put with the pallets of hammer and nails in the aisle of the store. Who knew that Wal-Mart actually had a reason for their crazy (in my opinion) product placement.

1 comment:

  1. My word, this sounds like an excellent novel. I think it's the kind of book the whole family would enjoy. I think everyone should buy a copy for Christmas!

    Ron Ebest
