Chris Astor and his daughter, Becky, created the world of Tamarisk while Becky was undergoing treatment for Leukemia. They would add new dimensions to the story and the world just before bedtime. Becky is now 14 and in remission, but has recently begun manifesting symptoms of the disease's return. She spends Saturdays and Tuesday nights with her Dad, and the rest of the week with her Mom and her new husband, Al. As unlikely as it may seem Becky is able to travel to Tamarisk where she meets Queen Miea and discovers that a blight is destroying this beautiful world. Just as Becky is dying of cancer, Tamarisk is dying. Is there any connection between the two? Is there any reason for hope? Great descriptions of the animals, insects, games, plants, foods, etc. make this imagination-inspired and created world come to life.
Food - Chris still has Becky's "Still Life with Smeared Pureed Pears and Cheerios" on the tray table. Al loves ice cream. Mom and Becky play Scattergories while eating Girl Scout cookies. Becky and her Mom make her great-great grandmother's Chicken Pot Pie and directions are included. Tamarisk smells like chocolate and raspberries. Yum!!
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