Wednesday, November 9, 2011

23 Minutes in Hell / Bill Wiese / 135 pages

This book examines the "fire and brimstone, eternal damnation" hell.
Bill Wiese states that he had a 23 minute visit to hell and was called by God to tell others about it so that they can avoid such a fate. He is actually a realtor, but now speaks extensively. (See you tube)

His answer to how bad a sin needs to be is to look at sheep on a green hillside. They look white. See them again on a snowy day. They look dirty against the snow. Hence, any sin looks bad against the background of heavenly perfection.

He quotes a lot of scripture and names many famous names, but they are mostly historical such as Jonathan Edwards (not the psychic).
You have to either believe what he is saying or not. If you are still thinking about it, try "My Descent into Death" by Howard Storm. He was an art teacher on vacation in Paris when he had a heart event and a short stay in Hell. It changed his life. He is now a United Church of Christ minister living in Belize. or read "90 minutes in Heaven" by Don Piper, a Baptist minister who died in a horrific car accident, but came back. "Heaven is for Real" by Todd Burpo. "The boy who came back from Heaven" by Kevin Malarkey. There are lots of books.
The truth is out there.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the books you choose. They are all so different. I wonder what off beat topic will you be interested in next.
