Friday, August 26, 2011

Oryx and Crake/ Margaret Atwood/374 pgs

Remember last month I talked about Year of the Flood? Well it was the second in a trilogy so I decided to go back and read the first one in order to see if any of my questions would be answered. I have to say Atwood does a wonderful job of world building. We have a society that has been utterly destroyed by a man's ego and now the survivors are trying to go on one day at a time. Our main narrator is Snowman or Jimmy and we alternative back and forth from the present and its dangerous problems to the past and the beginning of the end. We often wonder as we read if Jimmy had done this or that or said this or that would it have made a difference. I don't know. Jimmy really didn't seem to possess much backbone or original thinking but I may be too hard on this guy. I loved Atwood's sly humor and sarcastic wit - Chicken Nubbies anyone? I do know that if I ever meet a pigoon or a wolvog I need to climb a tree or something taller quickly. I know there is to be a third volume. I don't know when it will be published but I can't wait to see if Jimmy finally decides to take responsibility or if someone else will ultimately decide the fate of the survivors.

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