Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Boy in the Striped Pajamas / John Boyne 216 p.

In 1942, nine year old Bruno moves from Berlin to ‘Out-With’ where his father is the new Commandant. He longs for Berlin where his grandparents and three best friends live. In ‘Out-With’, without anyone with which to play, he entertains himself with exploring. He meets a boy his own age who shares his birth date. Bruno finally has a friend – a friend in striped pajamas who lives on the other side of the fence. Bruno even in his naivety instinctively elects to keep Shmuel a secret. They never play together or even touch until Bruno’s last day at ‘Out-With’. This shows how Bruno and even his father following the ‘rules’ lead to a sad conclusion. Use with bullying and fearfulness to stact discussions. For readers years older than 9.


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