Friday, April 8, 2011

I Beat the Odds/Oher, Michael/250 pgs

I had really enjoyed the movie "The Blind Side" so I decided to read this book to see how true it had been and I was interested in the rest of his story. I was not disappointed. The movie had made some changes to the story but the basics were there. The book starts with Michael's childhood (before the movie) and goes through after his being drafted. This story is about a boy who knew what he wanted from his life but wasn't sure how to do it and the people he meets and who help him out along the way. It is more than just the story of the Touhys and Michael because there were others who helped him out. It is also a story about his paying it forward - he is wanting to help other kids living in the same conditions that he grew up in and he gives ideas on how make it out of the ghetto.

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