Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Moxie Kid / Lois Ruby / 214 pages

Jonathan Wigget faces a long, lonely summer.  His best friend, Randy, is away at camp and Jon and his younger brother, Sammy, are being babysat by Whitney.  Jon meets Mr. Caliberti, AKA Mr. Eckers, an escapee from a local retirement home.  Jon is a hero - rescuing a toddler trapped  outside the store her mother is in during an electrical storm; doing CPR when Mr. Calberti suffers a stroke; and encouraging his chanteuse friend and neighbor, Bonnie.  Jon has moxie - spunk, gusto, guts, courage, self-confidence, assertiveness, oomph, imagination.  He realizes that Mr. Caliberti's lies give spice to life.
P.S. Who's killing the cats?

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