Fernando Goldberg and Lester McGregor were out in Lester's backyard playing How Long Can You Walk Around in the Dark Before You Walk Into Something Like a Tree or a Shed or a Swing Set when a pizza fell out of the sky. It was a 16 ", thick-crust pizza with a face!...black olive eyes and anchovy eyebrows, mushroom ears, and a sausage nose...The pizza person is a representative form the Pizza Planet, endangered because they are running out of ingredients and children pizzas are having to go without ear, eyes, noses, etc. Ketchup transforms Fern into Super Chicken Nugget Boy and he saves the day. This is an entertaining, tongue-in-cheek satire that would would be a great, although silly, read-aloud...and sing along - especially for 2-3 grades.
Food - I think the title explains the food connection.
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