I have always thought that this book would be hard to read, with long, drawn-out descriptions that were tearfully boring... At least, that's what I was told.
I found this book to be one of the very best that I have EVER read. It was amazing, beautiful, and fast-paced. I have never before read a book in which the characters were so well-developed. It was hard to believe that Miss Scarlett O'Hara and Mr. Rhett Butler were fictional because you could feel their emotions leap off the page and into your heart as if everything they were feeling and doing and saying had actually occured. The dialogue was very well-written and a delight to follow, and while there were lengthy descriptions of the goings-on of the war in the state of Georgia and the occasional paragraph that described the character's surroundings, I felt that they added to the credibility of the story, making everything seem so much more real and believable than if they weren't there. It helped to explain why certain characters did and said the things that they did. Even though the book is covering more than a decade of time, it didn't feel lengthy. It was fast-paced and I couldn't put it down. I was sad that it came to an end as fast as it did, and am disappointed that Ms. Mitchell never got around to writing a sequel, because the story was so engrossing that I feel I need to know what happened after the last words. Perhaps I will get around to reading the sequel written by Alexandra Ripley, but I feel that I may be disappointed after how much I loved the original.
Overall, this book was beautifully written, full of character, feeling, intense emotions, and a believable historical background. I would highlt recommend it to any of my friends who were looking for a historical "romance" that was different from the rest.
Movie Adaptation
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